
pan does not like dogs

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

does anyone blog anymore?? /step it up fellas

well nobody has  blogged in the past  couple weeks so  if u read this please next time u see me pound my ass cuz i realized that i have been a complete dusch  lately .  OK so now that i got that out of the way every one needs to start blogging  emerson needs to actually do good at one day of water ball, reyn needs to stop licking cocos sack and will needs to just to take control of his damn life and finally Ben  stop using unfamiliar big words.

thanks fellas great job making the team boys and as always keep it real

ps. Sra Rivera told me that reyn told her to tell me i liked dogs WTF????.?? []-[]

pan out


  1. HAHA GREAT WORK PAN... i agree with every word of that

  2. nicee coco but there were just a cpl things wrong with that. I dont lick pppl coco doesnt have a sack and sra. rivera already knew u likes dogs i didnt need to tell her that

  3. there were to things wrong with reyn's statement ^
    1. reyn licks a variety of people including me and Dr. Jones and, as ginger as it sounds, Mrs. Wyztzhdc (pronounced wichek)
    2. i have seen coco's sack on multiple occasions... #shutup sexynipplesguy
    3. I asked my brother what concert he was at.. Answer: Dallas. Gold star reyn.

    Pan... beautiful stuff, keep keepin it real and maybe one day ill take you out for a night on the town
